DTS Distributed Temperature Sensing

DTS Distributed Temperature Sensing

Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) is optoelectronic device which measure temperature by means of optical fibres functioning as linear sensors.

Prysmian has entered in 2015 into an agreement with LIOS Technology (Germany) who is one of the leaders of DTS instruments with more than 4.000 controllers worldwide and MTBF above 30 years.

The offered DTS controller is manufactured by LIOS Technology based on Prysmian’s requirements for power cable temperature monitoring.

This partnership between Prysmian Group and LIOS ensure to our Clients the following benefits:

  • Shared expertise of Prysmian (one of the leader in energy and telecom cables) and LIOS (one of the leader in DTS instruments)
  • Prysmian DTS can be integrated with other Prysmian asset monitoring systems, e.g. Partial Discharge, sheath currents, flooding, pressures, etc.